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Negotiation Time (In minutes)

All 288 Results

  • S

    Summer Interns Program

    By Blair Sheppard, Roy Lewicki and Catherine Tinsley
    Prep Time:
    60 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    60 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    This is a dispute between the heads of engineering and personnel. It can be used to teach interests, rights, and power in multiple cultures. It has good comparative culture data in the teaching notes.

  • B

    Bullard Houses - DRRC version 2019

    Ron Karp; revised by Mox Tan, David Gold, Andrew Clarkson, Paul Cramer, Douglas Stone & Bruce M. Patton
    Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School
    Prep Time:
    60 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    60 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    DRRC's version of Bullard Houses is an excellent exercise for raising issues of ethics in negotiation. It is a one-on-one, qualitative negotiation between agents over a piece of prime real estate. It emphasizes the role of agents, lying, misrepresentation, and trust. The teaching notes have been updated and the confidential roles simplified. Important: This is the traditional DRRC version of Bullard Houses, adapted from the original written for the Harvard Negotiation Project. For consistency, it has been updated with the current Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School branding and copyright information, but the text has not changed from the previous DRRC version. The PON version of Bullard Houses, intended primarily for law students, is available here. Consult the teaching notes in the Instructor Packet for differences between the two.

  • G

    Gas Station Game

    J. Keith Murnighan
    Prep Time:
    10 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    30 mins - 40 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    This is a prisoner's dilemma game for two individuals or two parties. It revolves around repeated price-setting choices by the owners of two gasoline stations. It moves from no communication, to communication, to a known endpoint looming in the near future. The exercise shows the conflicts people have in making basic cooperative or non cooperative choices and raises issues of trust, intergroup, and intragroup coordination.

  • Î

    Ι Texoil - Discontinued


    This exercise is no longer available through the DRRC. Please visit   Consider instead: Coffee Contract, D-Loyal, Havana Plants, Kukui Nuts, Non-Profit Conflict, Zephyr

  • O


    Leigh Thompson
    Prep Time:
    60 mins - 90 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    60 mins - 90 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    Oceania! is a complex two-party negotiation between a theater manager and a New York production company. There are several issues to be negotiated, and reaching an integrative agreement requires several different kinds of skills. This exercise is a companion exercise to Windy City Theater, which focuses on cross-functional teams.

  • C

    ChemCo, Inc.

    Wendy Pabich and Lawrence Susskind
    Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School
    Prep Time:
    20 mins - 30 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    60 mins - 90 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    This is a six-person, five-issue negotiation between three industrial factory representatives and three environmental agency representatives over environmental and economic concerns in the wake of damaging negative publicity for both parties. This exercise illustrates how negotiations can be used to resolve conflicts among scientists when scientific data are in dispute. The scientific data available in the case (and in the world) are incomplete and inconclusive on the points at issue. This motivates discussion of how decisions should be made given limited information. The exercise provides a context in which the formation of coalitions of "joint interest" groups can dramatically affect the negotiated outcome. Please note: there are no teaching notes to accompany this exercise.

  • B

    Bright Smiles: Creating a National Pediatric Dental Health Program

    Laura Rees & Mayra Oré
    Prep Time:
    60 mins - 120 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    120 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    This multi-party, multi-issue negotiation is set in the context of the creation of a National Pediatric Dental Health Program in the United States. This exercise involves dynamics of power, coalition building, influence and persuasion, and managing political and professional differences between for-profit and non-profit entities. The exercise is based on a hypothetical meeting attended by seven representatives from the U.S. government, national dental health associations, and agents from well-known international suppliers of consumer products. There are seven roles, but it is possible to adapt the exercise to groups of 6-8. The team agreement worksheet template is designed to help students practice developing and working with dynamic budget models as they negotiate. No background in or prior knowledge of dentistry is required.

  • E


    Max H. Bazerman & Jeanne M. Brett
    Prep Time:
    60 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    90 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    This is a two-party, quantified negotiation between two divisions of a large, decentralized organization. The negotiation concerns the potential transfer of a product from the division that developed it, and plans to use it as a component in its own products, to the division that has lower cost manufacturing and the corporate charter to market such a product. The exercise is very good for helping students visualize a Pareto optimal frontier.

  • K

    Kukui Nuts - 2020 version

    Shirli Kopelman and Georg Berkel
    Prep Time:
    10 mins - 20 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    15 mins - 20 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    Kukui Nuts is a two-party single-issue negotiation with integrative potential. The setting is an informal social situation in which a brief networking interaction can become an opportunity to create value. The 2020 revision has been written to support a global teaching environment, whether that be an in-class or virtual setting. Webinar available!

  • A


    Jennifer Whitson & Miguel Unzueta
    Prep Time:
    15 mins - 30 mins
    Negotiation Time:
    45 mins - 60 mins
    Number of Roles:
    Price Per Role:
    $3.75 - $6.00

    Atalanta is a two-party negotiation between the owner of a two-year-old e-commerce business and the fulfillment officer from a shipping company. While the situation is fraught with emotions, personal ambitions, and negative perceptions about the other party, both would benefit from repairing the relationship and continuing to work together.  Through this exercise, students practice the following

    • Overcoming the threat of a lawsuit and an initial impasse.
    • Recognizing and developing perceived power and refraining from abusing power.
    • De-escalating an emotional situation by managing their own and others’ emotions.
    • Refocusing on building a future relationship.
    • Identifying creative solutions that “expand the pie.”